Thursday, February 18, 2010

Wintertime Blues

Dear Annie,
Help! It's been snowy and cold and my 3 year old daughter and I have been stuck in the house. We need to get out. Every time we go to the store she is stuck in a shopping cart and grabs things off the shelves. Where can we go to have fun?
Signed, Housebound Helen

Dear Housebound Helen,
Don't worry. There are many places that you can go to get out of the house in the wintertime. Why don't you start by calling your local library and Department of Parks and Recreation. These wonderful local resources usually offer opportunities for you and your child to meet other children and parents - to socialize and have fun! You may also find local businesses that offer "Mommy and Me" programs or classes in art, music or tumbling. Possibly your child is even ready for a preschool program 2 or 3 mornings a week. That would give her an opportunity to make some friends of her own while she enjoys a stimulating learning environment. It would also give you some time to read, cook, knit, scrapbook, meet a friend for coffee...just think of the possibilities!
Signed, Annie

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